Saturday 15 June 2024

Walk around Stamford

    A hop and a skip from Peterborough by train is Stamford.  My last visit was six years ago.  As readers may know I lived near by this remarkable town and visited regularly.  I shopped there in preference to Peterborough.  It seemed much quieter than I remember it, more like the atmosphere of nearby Oundle or Uppingham.

     Stamford is one of the greatest stone-built towns in England, if not the whole UK and I do recommend a visit. If you're a tourist staying in London it is is quite an easy thing to pop-up on the train (NB you will have to change at Peterborough).You will be amply rewarded.

1 Two small travel tips: 1) be aware that it may well be cheaper to break down your journey rather than pay for a single return journey - I saved about 50% on my fare to Stamford by paying for the two legs of the journey separately i.e. two singles for the journey between King's Cross and Peterborough, and a return for the journey between Peterborough and Stamford. 2) It may well be cheaper to travel by express from King's Cross to Peterborough and not on a slower stopping train.  Booking in advance also helps to keep the cost down.

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