Friday 31 May 2024

Stephen Calloway in House and Garden

     Just sorting through some old papers and I found these pages torn from an edition of 'House and Garden' from sometime in the early/mid 80s - when Robert Harling was editor. The interior featured is the then London flat of Stephen Calloway.
     Calloway is a wonderfully eccentric character - art historian, author, broadcaster, aesthete & dandy.  Between 1974 and 2013 he was a curator at the V&A; for part of that time he was assistant to the great Sir Roy Strong then Director of the museum.  Although I admire the bold use of colour, I think the most successful space, over all, is the bedroom. (I also like the kitchen, but the image is too small to get a proper feel for the space.)  I particularly like the faux paneling.  More of that please.  The fabric used on the bed hangings is by Timney Fowler rather than Fornasetti.

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